Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I love my 13.1 goal

Having a goal is making all of the difference. It's not just any goal though, it's one that came from somewhere within me. I don't know why, but I need to prove to myself I can do this. Every food choice and every workout now has a point. I also am happy to have something to look forward to again.

On Saturday I started Couch to 5k at the gym. I downloaded the app, which was a good move because I like the satisfaction of adding each workout to the completed log. I've never followed a structured program before. I realize now that, before the baby, I was so focused on the numbers on the scale that I would just workout as much as I could. Now, with limited time, I have to be more focused. This is the first time in my weight loss journey that my ultimate goal is fitness related and not weight related.

On Saturday I also jumped rope for the first time in a YEAR. I made it 5 minutes with a few brief stops. I'm hoping to work on this.

On Sunday night I went for a walk with Harper and enjoyed the spring air and sunset while Ed ran intervals to get ready for his race.

Monday I walked with Harper for 90 minutes and I went to my circuit training small group training. It was a tough legs workout. I pushed myself hard by thinking about how I'm going to need strong legs to get through 13 miles.

Tuesday was Couch to 5k again and then I spent about 45 minutes on arms using the machines at the gym. Today is a rest day so I can do Couch to 5k again tomorrow, although I may go to yoga tonight depending on my energy level.

My eating has been in control too. Here are some recent healthy meals.

For the Salmon I just coated it with a little olive oil, lemon juice and dill seasoning. It was awesome!

263 days to go!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

I found my motivation!

I was standing at the sink washing the baby's bottles, and it hit me all of sudden - "I want to run a half marathon". I've never felt so sure about something. It was kind of strange how quickly this idea came out of nowhere and how definitive it felt, but I have always loved setting goals that feel out of my reach. If the goal is not challenging enough, if doesn't excite me.

I was already really hoping to go to Florida with the family next winter, so I decided to find a half marathon there. Nothing will feel better than vacationing after running a half marathon. So, almost exactly a year after having Harper, I'll be running the Key West Half Marathon. I signed up today. Ed and Harper are going to run the 5k too.

This means that every day, from now until then, I will have to be focused on my goal. There is a lot of work to do! There are 266 days until I need to be able to run 13 miles! 

To be successful, I'm going to need to work consistently, starting now. I'll have to be focused in my training. I'll also have to be good with eating, because the real key to success will be dropping the baby weight. It's going to be hard work for sure, but I'm already visualizing how I'll feel crossing the finish line. Nothing could make me happier than feeling my best again.

Recently I've been good with my eating, except for a few days around Easter. There was Easter candy, plus I was on very high doses of Prednisone, which is an awful awful drug. Here are some recent healthy food pictures.

Also, life as Mommy just keeps getting better. Harper is no long a little infant, she's an alert baby who wants to see the world! She's trying to sit up by doing these mini crunches - all of the time. Yesterday we went for an hour long walk. It was gorgeous out, and we found a new park in walking distance.

So today is my first day to start my training with my new goal in mind. I'm going to go to the gym since it's rainy here. 

Lastly, my new goal is to post workouts I have done here, as opposed to what I am going to do. I often post ideas here, and never report on the workouts I actually do. 

Here's to January 18, 2015!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Screw you autoimmune disease

I'm sitting here for a second day in a row, getting another IV. The blind spot in my eye was enlarged again and tests showed inflammation and one additional lesion. At least this is in my already bad eye and my right eye is totally fine right now. I have to come back on Easter morning too. The drug they give me, Prednisone, causes weight gain and bloating - and sometimes it makes me super cranky.

Anyway, I have this legs and arms workout in my head. I'm hoping to do it today if I'm feeling well enough.

20 min stairmill
Back squats 50# 3x12
100 jumping lunges
Leg press 180# 3x10
10 min spin - 2 min climb x 2
Push-ups 3x12
Bicep curls 15# 3x10
Tricep dips 3x20
Shoulder press machine 55# 3x12
Rows (machine) 3x12
Arc trainer - 5 minutes

And a few pictures of my little love. Last week was a big week for her (10 weeks). She rolled over 3x from tummy to back and started laughing. She loves when I hold her in front of a mirror and kiss her cheek.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Life right now

Friday would have been my Dad's 73rd birthday. I still feel his presence everyday, so there's that. But man do I wish we could have had just a little more time together and that he could meet Harper.

On Friday I took Harper for a 1.5 hour walk and then I went to work. At night we had a small family celebration in his honor. We even invited the dogs.

In happier news, I am really adjusting to and loving life as a mother. Harper's smiling, cooing, holding her head up, and just generally really into seeing the world around her. It's so fun (besides the long periods of crying and not taking naps)!

She loves her play mat and batting at the toys. However, in the past week, it's gotten a bit boring for her! She's more interested in walls and windows!

With the spring weather, we've been able to go on some nice, long walks. I even started walking up Heartbreak Hill recently to make it a bit more of a workout for me.

She loves the book 8 Silly Monkeys. She laughs every time we read it to her. She even grins ear to ear if she sees the book from a distance. Daddy calls them Naughty Monkeys.

She also really likes the book "Where are Baby's Easter Eggs". Yesterday for the first time she was reaching out and touching the colorful, shiny Easter Eggs on the last page.

She also really loves music. She loves the music on her play mat and bouncy seat, and she loves when I play music from my iPhone. Sometimes I play fiddling music for her, and sometimes we listen to KidSongs. For a while, her favorite song was "If you're Happy and You Know It". She'd smile every time, but as I'm learning, things get old quickly and it takes something new to make her laugh.

Last Thursday she had her 2 month check-up. She got 2 shots. I was heart wrenching hearing her scream afterwards. She weighed 12.5 lbs and was 23.5 inches. That's 80th % for height and 72nd % for weight. She does LOVE her bottles.

As for how I'm doing, the whole weight loss thing is harder than I thought it would be! Even doing everything "right" I'm not really losing right now. I go to 3-4 one hour circuit training classes per week and walk a few hours per week. While I could be doing more, life is different now that I have a baby. My plan is to just keep on going and hopefully increase what I'm doing as I can. I want to be as healthy as I can be for Harper's sake. I'm trying to remember the saying "9 months to gain the weight, 9 months to lose the weight".