Monday, February 18, 2013

A summary of the week

Goal wise, it was a rough week. Traveling is always hard. I had a four day work trip, which involved switching hotels every night. I started out in Chicago and then flew to Minneapolis. It was even colder in Minneapolis than Boston, by far.


We had to have 8 client presentations ready in one week, but thankfully I have some great coworkers and a whole team was involved in making this happen. Despite my best intentions, I only got one workout in on the road. It was only 30 minutes, but it was enough to get nice and sweaty. I ran 400 x 6. My highest speeds were between 7.5 and 8mph.

On Thursday night, Valentines Day, my coworkers went out to dinner in downtown Minneapolis. It was a nice restuarant, and watching them drink wine proved to be too much, and I had to join in. I didn't even care about the points off in my competition. After all the stress, client presentations, and traveling, chilling with a glass (or 3) or wine was well deserved. However, I then repeated the wine drinking on Friday night. When Ed picked me up at the airport we went out to a late Valentine's day dinner. One slip up often leads to another...and another. After dinner, we headed to Walgreen's for 50% off Valentine's Day chocolate. Sometimes it's better just to celebrate the holiday with the "pretty" candy and then move on.

On Saturday, we went to Crossfit. It was 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of hang snatches and burpee pull-ups. I used 45#s for the snatches and finished in 22:22. After Crossfit we took the dogs for a walk around Castle Island. Jaxson thought the birds looked extra delicious.

On Saturday night we went out with my sister to a restuarant I had been wanting to try. We got dressed up, which was fun, but the restaurant was a total let down. It was very small inside and the atmosphere was cold. The waiter said our order got "lost" and it took the food an hour to arrive.


And then I woke up on Sunday morning and threw up 3 times. I couldn't even keep water down. I slept all day, and never got out of bed. It was either food poisoning or norovirus round 2 (I just had it 2 weeks ago). Today I feel better, but am stilling drinking Gatorade and Ginger Ale. That makes 4 vacation days lately when I have had the flu. Big bummer.

So my eating has been all over the place, and I have missed a lot of workouts this week. I'm just focused on getting better, and then I'll be back at it.

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