Saturday, April 13, 2013

The week in review

The first half of the week went very well since I had prepared a bunch of healthy options for the week last Sunday.

On Monday morning, I did a combination of spinning on my own and the step-mill before an hour of personal training. On Monday night, I skipped my usual spin class to work late. I took a rest day on Tuesday to get ready for my business trip to Florida.

This was my breakfast on Tuesday - spaghetti squash, broccoli, sweet potato, asparagus, and some cheese, along with my favorite green juice from Wholefoods. Tuesday night I was up late packing.

Wednesday morning I took an hour spin class before personal training. My spin teacher commented that she could tell I really fighting myself not to stand (I can't because of a broken bone in my heel). Really? Ya think? Have you tried doing spin for an hour without standing?

Wednesday afternoon I flew down to Florida. We landed after it was dark, and had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Despite it's name, they have a great diet menu. I got the white bean chicken chili with rice, and the menu said it was under 590 calories. Works for me!

My meeting on Thursday was at 8:30am. It takes me about an hour to get ready, when I am really trying to look my best. I straighten my hair, wear make-up, and iron my clothes. These are all things I do not normally do.

 Elevator shot. I was just praying no one got on and caught me.

I am a huge fan of Hampton Inns for business travel. Not only do they have great service and clean rooms, they also have healthy options for breakfast. I had to fill up since our meeting was going to last all morning. I had oatmeal with walnuts, two eggs, some grapefruit and pineapple, and coffee.

This shot is from outside the office of the client we were visiting. Looks more like a resort to me than a corporate HQ. When I got into the meeting, I was like "I'll have a Bahama Mama Please." Oops.

Breakfast kept me full until 1pm when we got back to the airport. I picked up a salmon burger and chocolate protein bar before I got on the plane. I also had an apple and the free Terra Blue chips.

Taking off from Fort Lauderdale, we flew directly east. I think the island below is Bimini. All I know is it looked nice so I yelled "Pull over the plane. I have to use the bathroom". It didn't work, and alas, before I knew it I was back in gloomy, cold Boston.

I thought it was cool that we landed side by side with a Southwest flight. I was all like "c'mon want to race?" to the passenger in seat 23F on that flight. You can also see Castle Island below the wing. This an oceanfront park and my absolute favorite place to walk/run in Boston.

We landed at about 4pm, so I went back to the office for the rest of the day. That night Ed and I went out to dinner to celebrate a very successful business trip for me.

Don't judge.

I ended the week with a nice Friday morning workout. I took a 45 minute spin class and then had an hour-long personal training session.

And the highlight of the week? As he approaches his second birthday, Jaxson is finally calm enough to sleep through the night in our room. He no longer wanders the room looking for items to steal and chew. He is so proud of himself that he is now sleeping in our room. He wakes up with a big doggy smile. We're proud too.

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